Hey there, it’s MS Propane, and today we’re tackling a crucial topic – what happens if you run out of propane? It’s more than just an empty tank; it involves a few important steps.
Beyond the Empty Tank
Disruption of Service
Running out of gas means more than just needing a refill. It can impact fittings and appliances. Any disruption of service, like turning off the tank, changing or replacing an appliance, or performing repairs with the gas turned off, requires a leak check by law.
Instances of Disruption
Wondering what might count as a disruption of service? Here’s the lowdown – turning off the tank for any reason, making changes or replacements to appliances, conducting repairs where the gas is turned off, or if you ever smell gas at any time.
Moving In, Leak Check Wins
If you’re moving into a new property, it’s a smart move to get a leak check completed. Why? Because you might not know what has been done to the system in the past, and it’s a safety precaution we require.
Law-Required Leak Checks
Anytime there’s a disruption of service, a leak check is mandatory by law. What happens during a leak check? Our skilled service tech will test the system, recommend any necessary repairs, and relight the pilot lights. It’s a thorough inspection ensuring your propane system is in top-notch condition.
Note: The homeowner or resident over 18 years of age must be at home during the leak check in order to access appliances in the house and sign the leak check paperwork.
Understanding these steps is essential for a safe and smooth propane experience. Whether it’s a routine refill or dealing with a disruption, safety is the priority.
Stay informed, stay secure with MS Propane – Your Partners in Propane Peace of Mind!