How to Read Your Propane Tank Gauge

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One of the key elements of having a propane tank on your property is reading the gauge to see how much propane is in the tank. We’ll teach you how to read the meter on the propane tank with this easy-to-follow guide.

80% Is Considered Full

A propane tank is considered full when the gauge says 80%. The trucks at MS Propane have overfill limiters that prevent the technicians from overfilling tanks above 80%.

Why 80%? Like any other substance, propane expands and contracts based on the ambient temperatures around it. The 80% fill allows for the expansion of the propane gas inside the tank when the temperatures get hot, and the propane naturally expands within the tank. The same thing applies to your front door. If the door fits snugly already, it might be harder to close in the summer because the heat causes the door and frame to expand slightly.

Consumer Safety Series: How to Read a Tank Gauge from Propane Council on Vimeo.

40% Is Half Full

If 80% is full, then 40% is half full. At this point, you should monitor your tank level for when it approaches 25%. Here is when modern technology and connectivity can help. Our tank monitors use the same technology found in your cell phone to alert us when your propane tank reaches a low enough level that we should come out to refill it. We’ll call you before we come out to let you know we’re on the way.

With our Autofill program, you don’t have to worry about a thing. When the monitor tells us it’s at 25% full, we will automatically schedule a propane tank refill. That way, we can get to your property on time to refill the tank completely.

25% Means Call Us for Gas

When the tank gauge reads 25%, call us for a refill. The lowest level we want to ever see on a propane tank is 20% because we want to make sure you have enough propane. Again, the easiest way to make sure you don’t run out of propane is with our Autofill program and having a tank monitor!

Making sure you schedule a propane tank refill at 25% ensures you won’t have to pay for emergency services if you run out. You could save hundreds of dollars by not having an emergency when the tank is completely empty.

Contact MS Propane With Any Questions

If you have any questions about refilling your propane tank, contact us or call (417) 512-5041. Someone on our local team will answer the phone, and we’d be happy to answer your questions.